Friday, July 13, 2012

Affirmations - The Secret To A Happier Life

Feed Your Brain!

Unfortunately, our brains are filled with clutter and negativity which is the reason why we continue to think the way we do. Your subconscious has a big influence in how you think.You must replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. By feeding your brain these positive affirmations you are triggering the subconscious mind into positive action.


For your affirmations to truly work, you must say them daily and on a consistent basis. There isn't a set number of times that you should recite your affirmations, because we're all different. I usually recite mine three or four times a day for five minutes at a time. I recite mine when I wake up in the morning, when I arrive to work, during lunchtime, and before I go to sleep at night. You can recite them whenever you want, but I would get in the habit of practicing them throughout the day on at least three different occasions.

When To State Your Affirmations

It's best to state your affirmations when you wake up in the morning. Your brain is very receptive when you wake up and it's a good way to start off your day by conditioning your brain to be in a positive mindset. It's also recommended to state your affirmations before you go to bed so they are fresh in your head before you retire for the night.

Believe In What You're Saying

Simply reciting your affirmation statements isn't good enough. If you don't believe in what you're saying 100% then your affirmation statements will be ineffective. If you go about this half heartedly, this will not work. When I first started saying my affirmations a couple of years ago, I wasn't fully committed. I would say them but not really believe in all of them. I stopped reciting my statements because I didn't feel like they were working for me. After a hiatus, I decided to give it a try again but this time I made it a point to believe in my affirmations before I recited them.

Examples Of Positive Affirmations

My life is a joy and full of complete surprises
When I believe in myself so do others
I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself
I am a great listener and communicator
My work is enjoyable and I feel appreciated
I am a self-starter and fully accountable
I'm free to be me, and I will be the best me that I can be
Wealth is pouring into my life
I am a wonderful person and I deserve the best
I am in complete control of my life and destiny

Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day!" This concept will take time, but you will see a difference if you truly believe in what you're saying and practice repetition!

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Flaw in How We Pray or Affirm

One thing we need to be clear about either praying or affirming is that they don't, as such, affect or influence the Creator or the Universe; they ARE meant to affect or influence US, starting with how we think (there's more to this, in the following paragraphs). Provision of some result is always ours. And, if we believe in measuring more for ourselves, or less, that is responded to accordingly.

There's a phrase in the bible: "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you," which is the premise of the Law of Attraction. Many of us have been taught to pray or affirm in particular ways, which led us to believe that if we just craft our words a certain way, that makes the difference. No. Although word-crafting is important, relying on it solely makes it too easy to bypass the fact that the Universal Principle we call Law of Attraction is in effect. And this Principle or Law responds to "As ye believe," not "As ye speak but don't believe." When a prayer or affirmation is fulfilled, it isn't because we were convincing with our words, it's because we aligned with, moved into, right relationship with how the Principle works, in alignment with The Bigger Picture.

The reminder that every thought is a prayer or affirmation came to me as the answer to my request to know what it was that I needed to learn... let me repeat that... that I needed to learn... about myself as it related to a situation I found difficult. There are circumstances that can feel difficult, but what often makes them more difficult is how we relate to them.

Understandably, we want a difficult circumstance to go away; the sooner the better. And we don't really wish to look at the part we play in that dynamic. For me, I needed the reminder that the words we hear and believe the most are the ones we tell ourselves. And whether 100% true or not, we believe them; and then they become part of our story. Then we repeat our story to ourselves, and others. If our repetitions are supportive or constructive, there's no problem. If they're not supportive or are destructive, I call this "playing the broken record."

For those of you too young to know about vinyl records played on a turntable, if there was a snag in the vinyl, the needle got stuck and you'd hear the same brief segment of music or lyrics played over and over and over, until you lifted the needle. Sometimes our mental-emotional needles get stuck in the same way, and we find ourselves dealing with a case of "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you" about the same matter or issue for years. How can any of us expect different results if our needle is stuck playing the same emotionally-charged thoughts about something over and over? We DISDAIN, when we could ORDAIN differently.

I realized my needle has been stuck about one particular matter for a long time. So, I know it's going to take deliberation and a deliberate change in thinking for me to move the needle so I hear the song or symphony that's on the other side of the bump... or I should say rut. If I truly desire this, how I think about this matter has to change FIRST. I must commit to the song, not the snag. I also must not expect myself, after years of playing this broken record, to be transformed instantly. I'm not saying that can't happen, but I don't want to add self-judgmental expectation into the mix. I just want to move forward.

I'm going to share how the first several hours of this new practice went for me. You may be able to relate to the first part: I caught myself repeating the old story in my head. I stopped. A few minutes later (maybe it was seconds later) I caught myself doing it again. Crikey! After the fifth time, I realized...

1. It's a long-practiced habit; it's going to take more than just a decision for that "pendulum" to swing to the other side.

2. I realized I didn't have the absolute solution or resolution yet. I didn't know when that would happen, or if it would happen all at once or in parts over time. But, I wanted to Do Something Constructive Now.

3. I decided to say "Broken record" each time I caught myself playing this particular one, or any one, and then picture a perfect, peaceful lotus blossom on still water.

4. I knew I was going to be face-to-face with this particular challenge later that day, which was the trigger for the replay moments. Broken record... peaceful lotus.

5. Once in that face-to-face place, despite all my prep work, I noticed I had an attitude. Whoa! That led me to realize something I already know: that negative anticipation influences me in a way I don't like, and that if I experience the same type of challenge repeatedly, there's one thing consistently present: Me!

6. I mulled over the idea that even if I wasn't the originator of the challenge, I've been engaged in keeping it alive. Broken record... peaceful lotus. (So you know, this inner attention resulted in a harmonious experience.)

Will lifting this "needle" eliminate the challenge completely from my life? I don't know... it might; it depends on what I need to learn about myself through this. But that outer change is not the one that's more significant; my inner change is. If I keep that foremost in mind, I'll stay on track better and I'll experience this process (and my progress) differently than if I focus solely on what my ego wishes would happen (everything and everyone involved, BUT ME, changes). I have enough experiences I can recall to mind that prove that when I get into right relationship with the Principle, things shift, but especially, I shift. That's really what every dynamic in my life (and yours) is ultimately about, anyway.

How can we hear or sing our desired NOW and therefore our desired future if all we listen to or play are broken records? In the case of "broken record, peaceful lotus," each is a prayer and affirmation of what we believe and is what is, or can be, reflected in our life. Please keep in mind that there's a huge difference between contemplating an old story in order to see it in a new light or to glean something from it to help us improve or release it, and in repetition out of anger or sadness or frustration, which makes us angrier or sadder or more frustrated.

We are to also pay attention to what Ernest Holmes calls the Mental Equivalent: Our perspective about anything outside us comes from within; and, we get back what we send out. This applies to the perspective we hold about ourselves, others, and life. This means the range of our possible or potential manifestations cannot exceed the mental equivalents of our beliefs. To expand results, we have to expand what we believe. We cannot pray or affirm for improvement AND play a broken record about it. That's like always turning left at the corner and being miserable or complaining because we never leave the block. To experience something else requires US to change our path, even a bit.

Holmes wrote, "To desert the Truth in the hour of need is to prove that we do not know the Truth." He actually wrote this in all capital letters to demonstrate its significance. So, you can say that the flaw in how we pray or affirm stems from lack of proper relationship (alignment) with the Law of Attraction Principle, which stems from not understanding the Truth of the Principle as we might. Every challenge, and blessing, is an opportunity to explore and integrate more of this aligned relationship and the Truth that "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you," and put these into practice.

Practice makes progress.

© Joyce Shafer

You are welcome to use this article in your newsletter or on your blog/website as long as you use my complete bio with it.

This news article is brought to you by ELECTRICAL - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Finding The Real Transformation Stone Of The Philosopher

The power to change reality is within us, not outside of us. That does mean that we are the key to changing and shaping our own realities through our actions, including the spiritual action of thought. Getting ourselves across the river of conditions takes a start like the spiritual action of thought, and ends in realization through the natural cycle of actions. Indeed, fulfillment starts with a thought, and ends with the actual fulfillment, and that is real at any level we follow through at.

To get what we want, it does not take a wish, it takes a consciousness that is tenacious enough to follow through on what is wanted. Simple enough, sure. But, first we must figure out what we want that much to fully follow through like that on. Without a genuine desire, we can go nowhere and do nothing but wish.

So, when I think of the stone of the philosopher, I do think beyond, yet deeply into physical lead and gold. I think of leading to the goal we genuinely want at our deepest levels, and ultimately turning the ultimate physical lead into gold in reality through the power of genuine desire combined with persistent action. Think about that fact for a moment, and think about it deeply. Yes, we do get what we want. Yes, we do get what we work towards. But combine that work and desire with something genuinely desired by our consciousness as an inner and outer condition. That is power. I do not care how many temporary losses happen before the great wins. If we really want it, we can genuinely get it. With some of the greatest ideas, works, and inventions in history coming forth this way, this is not a silly idea. This is the most serious idea you can live with and use if you choose to. For the impossible ultimately becomes possible through full understanding, application, and always growth past that impossible concept when it becomes the normal.

Each step up is our "gold", each step we left behind is our "lead" we turned into the "gold" of our step up. Growth can happen forever. The ultimate stagnation is fear and the "impossible". Anything a consciousness can believe in and work on is possible ultimately through natural applicable laws of all reality. I do not just mean physical or mental, I mean the whole of reality at all levels.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How Do I Use Positive Affirmations?

Many people are curious about positive affirmations. How do you use them properly? What can they accomplish? Here are some quick tips to using positive affirmations...

1. Structure-the wording in your affirmation should always be present tense. Affirmations should be spoken as if the statement is happening right now. If you are speaking affirmations, you should use "I am... " or "me" in your statements. If you are reading the affirmations, you should use "You are... " in the statements. If someone else is speaking affirmations to you, or you are listening to an affirmation cd, the statements should also be in "You are... " form. When you create or use an affirmation, there should be a feeling or emotion within you when you are saying it, reading it, or meditating on it. Part of the way affirmations work is through the feelings you feel on a regular basis. An easy way to attach a feeling to an affirmation can be to add: I give thanks now that... or you feel grateful now that...

2. Repetition- Positive affirmations work best when spoken often. I've found through years of experience and research on affirmations that choosing one or two affirmations to work on at a time is best, otherwise you'll likely get scattered results. Try to remember to say out loud or meditate on your affirmation as you are waking up in the morning and as you are falling asleep at night. Another couple of ways to reinforce your affirmations are to write one or two of them on index cards and keep that on your nightstand... read the affirmations right before you go to bed, and right before you get up in the morning. I also recommend using your computer wallpaper to create an affirmation that you'll see when you use your computer. Also your cell phone probably has a way for you to write a banner, which you can read every time you are about to call or text someone. Listening to an affirmation cd, or saying affirmations to yourself as you are driving is another great idea.

3. Timeframe- I have found myself expecting to see big results within a day or two of saying affirmations and often, I do see quick results. For some affirmations, there is a longer timeframe because my mind has been conditioned for so long to believe the current reality, so when I say the opposite, it may take a few months or even several months to see big results. I always see results with affirmations, it's really a matter of being persistent.

I wish you abundance and joy.

Friday, June 15, 2012

What Are Affirmations and How Do You Use Them?

What are affirmations? Affirmations are simply positive words that will greatly improve your life. They are a declaration of what you want, how you want to feel, act, or be. An example of an affirmation is "I love and accept myself." Using affirmations is a powerful tool to help you create a life you love.

Affirmations can change negative beliefs that have been engrained in your subconscious all your life. Even if you don't believe what you are stating, your subconscious hears it and will make it so. Eventually it will "kick in," and your belief will be changed.

Affirmations changed my life. About six months of using affirmations regularly I decided I wanted to move to Southern California to live by the ocean. I was living in Utah at the time and had lived there my entire life. I was a single parent, and I had taken my son to San Diego in California where we fell in love with the ocean and wanted the beach life. I wanted to move there but I had no idea how this could ever happen.

I was the sole provider for my son and myself, I had limited income, I knew no one there, and it sort of seemed like a pipe dream. But I started doing affirmations such as "I love living by the ocean", "It is so exciting to live in Southern California", "I love my life living by the beautiful ocean". I also started playing ocean wave sounds each night when I was going to sleep and would visualize living by the ocean.

I was working at a hotel in Utah and mentioned to my boss how I really wanted to move to California. What unfolded was amazing. His father was investing in a company in Southern California about sixty miles north of San Diego, in a beautiful beach town. He needed someone with my skills to handle the accounting. I flew out, fell in love with the town, and moved my son and I a few weeks later! It felt like a dream. I couldn't believe it was happening.

Many people thought I was crazy for taking a chance like that, and moving my son and me when I didn't know anyone out there. I never regretted it and I still remember how powerful I felt that I made one of my dreams come true. I know affirmations and the power of positive thought made this possible.

Below is a list to help you make sure you use affirmations effectively.

  1. Make a list of items you want to work on with affirmations such as increasing your financial abundance, improving your health, increasing your, self-confidence, etc.

  2. Write your affirmation in the positive, present tense. For example, if you want to have more energy because you feel tired all the time, don't say, "I am no longer tired." Instead, say, "I have all the energy I need to do anything I want." This way it is positive, and you are assuming it happens now - not some time in the future.

  3. Use affirmations regularly. I try to do some every day. If you are struggling with a particular issue, try repeating many times a day. A trick I do sometimes is to remember to say affirmations every time I use the restroom. You may be laughing but it is a great time to remember to do them, especially in the middle of your busy day. It is like a little "positive mental break" from your regular day.

  4. If you find yourself saying something negative, immediately counteract it with an affirmation. For example, if you make a mistake and say to yourself, "Why am I always making mistakes?" counteract it by following up with "I am smart. I make good decisions and have a sharp mind."

  5. There are many good books to get affirmations examples from. You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay is a great starting point.

  6. Make yourself a book of affirmations. I created what I call my PowerBook to keep my affirmations in. It is a journal of all the affirmations I have created or read on various subjects such as health, abundance, relationships, and more. The PowerBook also has pictures of things I want in my life such as vacations, a new home, etc. It works like a vision board to keep me focused on what I want.

  7. Try visualizing what you want as you are stating your affirmation. The combination of stating verbally while visualizing will increase the power of affirmations.

Don't worry if you don't actually believe what you are saying at first. It will happen. When I first started using the affirmation "I love and accept myself," I would start crying. I was so hard on myself that I didn't see how I could possible really love and accept myself. I was 350 pounds and felt so unlovable. But I kept saying affirmations. One day I could say them without crying, and later on I actually believed them.

Affirmations work. If you don't already know their power, start today. They can help you create the life you want and deserve.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How the Solar and Lunar Eclipses Affect You

'We are in a remarkable global pattern for the next few years that can affect all of us.' This is what some of the finest astrologers in the world are saying. Now, the ability to stay grounded is a must to remaining balanced.

A Solar Eclipse occurred at 7:47pm on Sunday May 20th 2012 and the Lunar Eclipse just occurred on June 4th. The full moon has triggered an aspect telling us to pay attention to what is right under our noses. It is time to look at mental patterns that no longer work.

Pay attention to your habitual thinking and what you create as the bi-product of those thoughts.

Change the way you think about a condition and watch as the situation changes. It's as simple as that!

What you are saying to yourself can change a habit and it creates the space for something new to happen. It's your Self-Talk - which is that conversation that goes on inside your head, the running commentary about everything you do. It never lets anything go by without some comment, remark or evaluation.

Once you become aware of this process you can change yourself into the positive, successful, powerful person you want to be. If your Self-Talk is not under control, lookout! The automatic reactions you have to this constant chatter of judgments and evaluations can keep you feeling stressed and less able to meet your goals and challenges of life.

Mind chatter like, "I'm not smart enough, good enough, something is wrong with me, I can't do it, I never finish anything, and this is too hard" can rule you if you don't take charge. You may have initially formed these negative ideas about yourself from things you heard from a parent, teacher or someone who has/had influence over you. You definitely don't need those people to tell you what to do anymore, even if it's just in your head.

These thoughts surface when you are faced with doing something that is counter-productive to what your mind thinks you can do. We may still crave things that are no longer fulfilling. But now it's essential to move in a new direction. It is time to let go of the old mental chatters and learn something new.

The past is the past - it is time for a healing and release!

We need to communicate what is important to us. "Put your money where your mouth is", "The proof is in the pudding" or "There is no free lunch" may be the mantra for this period.

Start to look at things from outside of the box, think differently and get on a healthy program. Learning new things is the big key to the situation. It is time to listen, learn, practice and ground your energy. Get the Recharging Qi Gong program and the Flying Crane Qi Gong program and practice daily.

These will give you the rooting and the grounding techniques needed to keep you balanced mentally, physically and spiritually. Visit my website, and let's change your situation together.

I wish you the best in your Health,

Wealth and Happiness.

This news article is brought to you by HOME-BASED-BUSINESS - where latest news are our top priority.

You Are Who You Associate With - Surround Yourself With Hope

Have you ever noticed the tendency to think and act like the people around you? If you really stop and think about your friends and the people within your sphere of influence, I bet you can see a lot of similarities amongst the members of that circle. It's hard to say whether we seek out and befriend people who are similar to us, or if we gradually become like our friends the more time we spend with them. Either way, this tendency can make life interesting if and when we decide it's time to make a change. The thing is, change is hard enough as it is, but if it means breaking away from the mold and going against the grain of our friends, change becomes virtually impossible. In order to live a positive, hope-filled life you must surround yourself with positive, hope-filled people.

Wean Yourself Away From Negative Energy

Misery loves company. People who are unhappy want to see other people unhappy. Seeing other people in the same boat as them makes unhappy people feel better about their own situation. The moment they start to see a ray of positive light escape from another person, they'll try to find a way to snuff it out.

When you are grieving, it's easy to lose hope. What is there to be hopeful about when you've just lost someone very important to you? The answer? Plenty. There's still so much to be hopeful about in life, but you have to make a conscious effort to be hopeful and positive. That means distancing yourself from people who don't agree with you. I'm not saying that you need to shut those people out of your life entirely, but be conscious of the time you spend with them and keep those people at arms length so as not to let their negative energy rub off on you as you try to change your attitude and find hope again.

Surround Yourself With Hope-Filled People

Success breeds success. If you want to be successful in finding hope and living a happy life, surround yourself with other happy, positive people. It's easy to spot a positive person. She's the one who always has a smile on her face or the guy who always sees the glass as half full. Positive people love seeing those around them flourish. While it pains negative people to pass out compliments, a positive person will see your success and make it a point to congratulate you for it, sincerely and genuinely. On those days when you're feeling down and hope seems out of reach, your positive support group will find a way to pick you up.

Never discount the power of a positive support group as you strive to find hope in life again. As you find more and more positive people to fill your sphere of influence, distance yourself from those negative influencers from your past.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Affirmations for Immortality

A year or so ago I was looking for an affirmation MP3 that could be used to help reprogram my mind from its preconceived idea that the physical body must die. The truth is the body does not have to die-it can ascend into a light (glorified) body as Jesus Christ and other ascended masters have proven. Our thoughts and beliefs greatly affect our health and everything we experience in life. The way to bring about any outward change is to reprogram the mind to think higher thoughts.

All the science regarding cell regeneration shows that our cells have the ability to renew and sustain life indefinitely. The reason the body dies is because the mind is not thinking God's thoughts and has instead accepted the limited idea that dying is normal. I didn't find the affirmation MP3 I was looking for online, so I created one that

I'd like to share with you.

The mind of the soul reincarnates from one life to another; it never dies. You may have been working on physical immortality in previous lifetimes. If so, you will probably resonate with the thoughts on this page. Perhaps you will achieve immortality or ascension into your light body during this lifetime! If not, you are still helping yourself (and humanity) by sending energy of this concept into the collective consciousness of humanity. It's worth a try!

What have you got to lose? As Leonard Orr says, "Death is a grave mistake!" and "Physical immortality as a living philosophy is the only cause you can't die for!" and "You are immortal until you prove otherwise."

Why prove otherwise? Why not live in a new reality? I find this very exciting and just thinking about it has created more hope in my mind and joy in all the cells of my body. We can begin creating the energy for immortality by talking about it with others and reprogramming our minds with messages about living life to the fullest.

Here is an exercise to help you do this.

When I operate in conscious awareness of my life urge, I am joyful, relaxed, and at peace.

All humans have a choice to make regarding how, when, and IF death will occur for them. I allow others to make their own decision about longevity, but I am choosing eternal immortality for my beautiful body.

I enjoy my life and appreciate my own beauty so much, I want to be in my divine physical body on this Earth plane.

If I get bored with Earth life, I will simply shift into my light body and visit other places in our wonderful multiverse for a while.

I am in the process of eliminating my unconscious death urge and allowing life to consume every fiber of my being.

I release anything unlike love or life.

I am willing to let go of any thoughts about death or dying.

I can gauge my life urge by how much I love and appreciate and care for myself and my body. The more pleasure and joy I experience, the more my life urge is increasing.

There may be times when certain aspects of the death urge habit come up for healing. I will lovingly acknowledge, release, process, and resolve these issues without resistance to the healing that is being offered to me.

I will realign my thoughts and emotions with the mind of God.

My body is my servant. It does whatever I request according to my beliefs. If something is not satisfactory about my body, I will allow this to serve as a reminder that my mind needs renewing. I will gladly submit my thoughts to the mind of the Christ Consciousness.

I breathe to renew my mind and release my body from the effects of fear-based thoughts.

Because I love my body and myself, I enjoy taking care of my body.

I enjoy bathing my body. The sweet-smelling soap and warm water feel so good!

I enjoy wearing nice clothes that fit well and flatter my beautiful figure.

I find pleasure in exercising and moving my body. Dancing is fun. Walking is refreshing, and I find all kinds of enjoyable activities to engage my body in.

I really like to play and be as free as a child.

I am youthful.

I am youthing!

I am getting younger every day.

My body is overcoming the abuse it withstood when I was not aware of my death urge. Now, I am consciously creating health and well-being for my body and mind.

My body looks and feels ageless as I accumulate innumerable Earth years.

I can relax and take it easy anytime I please. It's great to have fun!

I don't need as much sleep or food now that my body is processing Light as an energy source.

My body feels refreshed no matter how many or few hours I sleep.

My body feels full and satisfied. This allows me to mindfully chew my food and enjoy each healthy bite. This also allows me to fast when I want to increase my spiritual ascension process.

I am immortal.

My body is everlasting.

I call forth life in every cell of my body.

I will emphasize the life urge in all my conversations-both mental and verbal.

I am thrilled when I am having pleasure.

I am ascending in body and spirit.

I can laugh easily-especially when I think of how absurd the death urge is.

I am one with the Life Force that created me.

Life is easy.

I am blessed to be living in an immortal body.

My body has put on incorruption! Thank you, Jesus, for setting the example for me. I love you dearly!

I bless all those who have overcome death, ascended, and shown me the way to physical immortality.

Death has no sting-it does not exist for me. The grave has no victory over my body-I consciously create life with every breath I take.

I am pleased with my spiritual progress. All my spiritual purification techniques have and are working well to rid my body, emotions, and mind of the death urge.

This news article is brought to you by RADIO - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is It Better To Have Conviction Or Doubt About Important Ideas?

General ideas about what is true about life come from all around us - family, the mass media, books. These concepts have often seeped through from current and past thinking for example from politics, philosophy and religion.

We absorb such ideas because we tend to be interested in making sense of our lives, why we are here, where we come from, and where we are going, not to mention fathoming the reality of suffering, misfortune, and chaos that we find all around us.

But life goes on and we are obliged to make the best fist of it using what values and principles we have learned about and accept.

The question arises: Is it better to have conviction or doubt about your ideas? Conviction helps you put ideas into practice with commitment. Having doubt about ideas other people believe in can be useful given the complexities of life.

Problems with certainty

One problem in forming set beliefs is that of believing something for reasons other than to do with the truth. This might be wanting to fit in with the attitudes of friends, unease in going against what your parents told you to think as a child, and even fear of expressing a religious doubt in case this is construed as blasphemy.

Some argue that rushing into belief about something also means your understanding cannot easily be broadened and what you hold to be true cannot be qualified in any way. So they say exposing yourself to opposing ideas obliges you to think and ponder over whether your ideas are indeed true, and to gather reasons in support of them.

Problems with doubt

Having doubts can be unsettling especially if they challenge previous life choices such as vocation or marriage. The trouble with seeing every side of an issue is you can get stuck. A humorist once commented on someone who belonged to a liberal religion which celebrated doubt. This person arrived at the pearly gates of heaven only to find a signpost pointing in one direction to God, and in the other direction towards a discussion of God. He took the latter path. In other words he preferred to talk the talk rather than walk the walk of his religion.

Understanding good fortune and bad luck

When something bad happens we might wonder why. One spiritual idea, is that good-fortune is a reward for acting rightly while bad luck is punishment for being bad. You tend to make this assumption when you find yourself asking 'Why me, what have I done to deserve this?'

The idea that God punishes or rewards is an example of what I believe is an 'appearance of truth'.

"Appearances of truth are given, to everyone according to (their) ability to grasp them; and these appearances are acknowledged as truths because they have the capacity to hold Divine things within them." (Swedenborg, Heavenly Secrets section 3387)

England football manger Glenn Hoddle believed a person's disability was a punishment for bad actions performed in a past life by that individual. And as a result of public outcry against this belief he was dismissed.

So what might a truer insight be? Clearly, we are all capable of bringing about our own suffering. Just keep drinking beer all day, or gambling away your savings. But often we suffer misfortune through no fault of our own. In the biblical book of Job we find someone who suffers great misfortune despite being innocent. He came to realize that good fortune and misfortune afflict the good and bad alike.

My suggestion is innocent suffering is permitted because it obliges us all to learn how to use our freedom of choice to respond to it e.g. with indifference or compassion. If this is true then it shows how a particular spiritual belief can be a temporary stepping stone to further insight.

Understanding sacred myth

Is another example of an appearance of the truth found in sacred myth? I think so. Because they are myths, like parables, can't they be seen on different levels depending on what people can grasp?

I offer this example. Doubting the idea of three persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one God, opens up the mind to (what is to my way of thinking at least) a more rational understanding. A truer idea being these are three symbolic aspects of the one divine God - heart of creative love, head of human wisdom and hands of powerful activity.


For Swedenborg, the search for truth is crucial for deeper insight. Illumination of our ideas is seen by him as a spiritual gift which can only be received when the individual is in the genuine love of truth for the sake of truth and who humbly tries to live according to his or her lights. This is how we gain faith. In other words conviction is a feeling that can only come from inner enlightenment.

"Those with a genuine affection for truth, that is, those who desire to know truths to put them to good use and for the sake of the life they ought to lead,... when they receive (enlightenment)... their hearts rejoice." (Swedenborg, Heavenly Secrets section 8993)

Copyright 2012 Stephen Russell-Lacy

This news article is brought to you by CONFLICT - where latest news are our top priority.

Six-Figure Affirmations

If you're like me, you know that affirmations work.

I've seen major results with affirmations in all different areas of my life.

Here's some quick tips on how you can write and use affirmations:

Create a custom wallpaper for your computer and cell phone that says your favorite positive affirmation, using 'YOU' and all capital letters. The capital letters help your brain to process the affirmation more quickly and easily. Using 'You' instead of 'I am' also helps your brain to process the affirmation quicker. Here's an example of a six-figure affirmation that I have on my computer's wallpaper right now:


Once I put that affirmation up, within a couple months I was having so many six-figure business ideas (easy ones!) that I didn't know where to start!!!

By the way, you can do that for free... just look up 'free custom wallpaper' on the internet and you should be able to find a good site that you can create a wallpaper with text for your computer.

Also, on your cell phone, write in another six-figure affirmation so that every time you look at your cell phone, it only takes a second to read your affirmation before you dial a number. Here's another great six-figure affirmation:


Keep that on your cell phone for even nine months and see what happens!

Here's a short list of some great six-figure affirmations that you can say to yourself in the shower, while you are driving, getting dressed, or whenever you're alone:

I give thanks that I am now earning $125,000 per year... easily.
I feel so grateful that I am easily earning a six-figure income now.
It feels good to be earning six-figures now.
Earning six-figures is easy for me.
One of the easiest things I do is earn six-figures.
I am saving and investing money wisely now.
The amounts in my bank accounts are now growing and growing.
I am enjoying six-figure success now.

Some other affirmations that can help you to boost your earnings to six-figures easily are:

I am worthy.
I value myself and what I do.
I put myself first... before others. (be reasonable!)
It's so easy to make money now.
It's so easy to save money now.
It's so easy to invest money now.

I hope these six-figure affirmations help you on your way to earning six-figures!

This news article is brought to you by HUNTING - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Is Law of Attraction and How to Use It in Your Life?

The Law of Attraction is among the most ancient universal laws. It just means to depict that whatever circumstances we face in our life are the result of what we thought in our past. Thoughts dominate our mind, they have to manifest in our life. The circumstances we face, the people we meet, the relationships we make, the money we make, the house we live in; these all are the outcome of what we have been thinking with little bit more concentration or simply saying what we have been thinking the most. Have you ever observed when you get angry or frustrated in the morning, it often happens that your whole day sucks. The "whole day sucks" is a phenomena that is happening because we attracted it in the morning.

What is Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.

Speaking shortly I will define the law of attraction in one line:

"What we think, we manifest"

It's simple. We attract in our daily life with our thoughts and feelings. For example, if we keep thinking that we have no money in our bank account, we will be attracting "no money" in our life. Similarly if we feel like depressed due to workload or other anxieties, we will be welcoming more "depression and anxieties". So we are using this universal law all the time whether we know it or not. Things happening in our daily life are due to this law of attraction.

What Science says?

Thomas Troward, who was among the big guns of the New Thought Movement, claimed that:

"Thought precedes physical form and that "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."

Later on metaphysicians also supported the existence of the law of attraction in our daily life. After that the arrival of the book "The Secret" brought up a great revolution in the societies and religious beliefs. So The Law of Attraction is much more the game of your mind set. If you are sincerely able to abide by the principals of the law, you will discover that you can get anything in your life that you love to achieve.

How to Use Law of Attraction:

As I told you earlier that "What we think, we manifest". What we are going to keep in our mind and concentrate on it, we are actually bringing it in the process of manifestation. Using law of attraction is very easy if you keep a firm belief on your thoughts and visualization. Here I will teach you how you can use the law of attraction in your life to get anything you desire to achieve. It consists of only three steps:

1. Ask

2. Feel

3. Give


The first step is desire what you want in your life. Definitely you cannot get money if you have not planned to get it. Similarly you will not go for vacation in Spain until you have not planned it. So asking is the first step towards using law of attraction in your life. Sit down, take a pen and paper, relax and think what you desire in your life. Write down everything that comes into your mind whether it's lot of money, a good life partner or whatever... just note it on the paper. Once you have prepared the list of your dreams (wishes), proceed to the next step that is 'feel'.


Once you have prepared a list of all of your desires, you have instructed your mind to get ready to achieve. Now start feeling like you have everything in your life that is on that piece of paper (your desires note) and already be grateful for it. If you wrote that you want a lot of money then from now onwards, start feeling like you have lot of money in your account. Bring up that joy in you when you have $100000 in your account. Feel like you have a perfect partner in your life and you are living a prosperous life. So start imagining that you have access of everything that you have written on that piece of paper and feel gratitude for this abundance. What happens here that the universe begins to listen to your these consistent thoughts and the manifestation process comes into being. So the main theme of this step is:

"What you want to achieve in your life, feel like you already have it"


The last step in the completion of the law of attraction is "to give". There is a principle in this whole process that states:

"The more you give, the more you get back"

So give from whatever you have in your life. If you can give happiness to someone, go ahead. If you have money, give it without worrying about the amount. Many people get stuck on this step and have some doubts in their minds and they are right at it. As a common person we think that dividing something reduces it. But it is opposite in the law of attraction. This law states that if you give something to someone, you shall get it back multiplied. The question is "How is it possible?" The answer is quite simple and logical. During the give process, you think like you have a lot of something say its money, and you give some money to others. This feeling of abundance ignites the second process that is 'Feel'. So when giving, feel like you already have abundance of it and you shall have abundance of it. So 'give' process helps in firming your belief that you already have abundance of everything.

This is so Easy!!

This is what law of attraction states.. Ask, feel and give. So the crux of this law lies in your thoughts. Negative thoughts will bring up negative circumstances and vice versa. So start using the law of attraction in your life from now onwards. In the beginning it will take some time to control your thoughts and keep them positive but gradually you will start to have grip over your thoughts and things will start working as the law of attraction will come into action. Its you who can change your life right now and forever. So go ahead and take advantage of this law and be happy. Good luck.

This news article is brought to you by EXOTIC PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Secret To Removing Blockages

Have you ever wondered why, despite doing all the 'right things' your Affirmations still do not work?

You've checked all the boxes; your thinking regarding money is right; you're putting them all in the now; you're using positive words etc.etc and still your Affirmations do not work. Then read on if this is your situation. For there is a secret to removing blockages which prevent you reaching your fullest potential.

Within each and every one of us there is a 'Secret Chamber' which is where the very essence of our being exists. It is what we really are at a cellular core level. And it is within this Secret Chamber that we can work on removing blockages which have to date, prevented us from achieving our highest goals.

The location of our Secret Chamber is the same for everyone. It is located just behind and slightly down from our heart chakra. Reaching it can take a little bit of time and practice though some people may be able to attune immediately others have to persevere a little longer but it is well worth the effort for when you do reach your Secret Chamber you will be able to work on removing all the blockages which have hindered your development.

The best way to reach your Secret Chamber is of course through meditation. First by getting into a meditative state and once in that state go inside your body. Move quietly and slowly down to reach just behind your heart, go slightly down and there you will find it.

When you reach your Secret Chamber, take note of what it is like. Do you for example 'feel' it rather than seeing it? If so, note what that feeling is. Or do you see a color? Again, note the color. Do you have an actual 'vision' of what it is like? It will be different for everyone for remember, this is YOUR Secret Chamber the very essence of your being. There isn't any right or wrong either. It is what you see and feel that is important.

The first time you enter your Secret Chamber it's a good idea to just stay awhile, getting used to the energy vibrations, before moving on to working on removing blockages. You may find that you prefer to just rest there the first time, or for several visits, just follow your own feelings and work with yourself not against yourself.

You should experience an energy shift. For some it is a major shift for others a very slight shift. Don't worry though if you don't feel it the first time or subsequent times there after just practice daily and you will feel that shift. Everyone is different and it doesn't matter if you work on reaching your Chamber a dozen times or more there is no hurry it's not a competition and definitely never judge your progress. Just relax allow yourself to enter and enjoy being at the very essence of who you are.

Once you are comfortable with entering your special place then you can start to work on removing the blockages. First, ask what part of your body you need to go to. Don't be surprised either at the answer - it may well be somewhere you have never thought about at all - like your arm, or shoulder.

It is surprising where blockages can occur which hinder our forward progress.

When you receive a clear answer, and you will, move to the part of your body. How does it look? How does it feel? Is it cold? Is it heavy? Does it look dark? Again there is no right or wrong. Just be aware of your own perceptions.

Having found the part of your body which needs work, acknowledge that you are there and listening to it. Just let it know that you are there, aware that it needs help. Again, you will feel an energy shift. For just by acknowledging that that area needs to be heard will bring about an energy shift. It maybe slight or massive or somewhere in between. As always this is an entirely individual area, no two people will experience exactly the same energy shift.

If you find this is all you can manage for the first time, just gently bring yourself back to your surroundings and finish by grounding yourself. Then continue on the next day each time you work on entering your Secret Chamber it will of course become easier and easier. Like all things practice makes perfect.

However if you are still feeling comfortable then ask how you can help. How can you release the blockage? What has caused the blockage? You will be surprised at what will come through, for many blockages are totally lost to our normal memory. The reason being that the greater majority of people only really remember back until they were around four or five. Some people may recall even earlier memories but few can recall baby memories and this is where, quite frequently, blockages have occurred.

It maybe that as a baby your parents where of the school which promoted that provided the baby was dry and fed then constant picking up was a no no. Again this is what you have to discover for yourself. What has caused the blockage. Be patient with yourself and definitely DO NOT beat yourself up in any way.

Whatever has caused the blockage can be removed. In some cases, if there is very deep trauma, then you would be well advised to seek professional help but assuming that there is not a serious deep trauma, such as sexual abuse, then you can most definitely work to remove the blockage yourself.

By simply acknowledging and sending love to the area will remove the blockage. By the very realization that this is what has prevented you from achieving your goals, is in itself enough to eliminate any blockages.

You may need to work for a while to completely remove the blockage. It may also happen that there is more than one blockage in a different area. In this case, it is usually the most important blockage which will manifest first. Once this is removed, then other areas may arise.

It is a good idea, even after removing blockages, to make it a daily practice to enter your Secret Chamber for we all accumulate a lot of garbage often at a sub-conscious level on a daily basis. And sometimes it's just lovely to be at the very essence of who you are a reminder of who you REALLY are.

So if you are experiencing problems with manifesting your desires, try removing the blockages by entering into your Secret Chamber. And do not be surprised at the energy shift you will definitely encounter by so doing.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Everyday Magic

There is magic and energy within every living thing. Magic lies within all lives and the oddity that is mankind. Many of us are guilty of not following our own given heritage or following our chosen path. We may get too busy or have to hide our beliefs.There are no rules along your path or boundaries that you must follow only the beliefs that you have. Did you know that you can use anything contained in nature as a charm or talisman? Today as I was in the beauty of the day I found an acorn and asked of the goddess to let me enchant this small piece of the earth. I charged it with a wish, my version of a simple earth invocation.

As I held this small token of mother earth, I could feel its power it shone and brightened at the touch of the streams of the sun light. With the spectrum of the rays of the sun I charge my charm with the power that I have sought. Everything that is around you right now has its very own energy, look around do you feel yourself being drawn to an object? Please stop reading for a moment and pick the object up. What do you feel? Now if you will say the words that are within your heart. Ask the god or goddess to invoke this charm. Do you feel the object responding?

Many of you will be taken back. Are you searching for an answer? Ask the powers that be for the want that you wish of them. Tell them the truth as they know what you are going to say, show them respect, show them what your very essence is made of. The god and goddess know all, see all and are part of everything.Now invoke your charm keep it within your sight or within arms length of your touch for this whole day. Your charm will impart that of which you have asked if it is meant to be. If you have a book of shadows you may want to record your thoughts in your book of light. If you do not have a book of shadows of your own you should start one now. Your book of shadows can be as simple as your online blog or as intricate as a hand parchment book.

There are many witches and wizards that use a simple journal to impart the wisdom of the magic that lies within. Many of us do not have the time nor the supplies to do elaborate rituals daily but it can be a form of ritual to write your magic musings down every day. When you put the words of light down in cyber space or on paper you are doing magic in its most basic form. You must never forget that magic is neither here nor there, it is within you, around you, in front and behind, there is magic within all things and it is up to you the conjurer to bring it about. When the universe has reached out across the bounds of time and reached into the sorcerer/conjurer and made their will the will of the universe so mote it be. As you go about this day, let the magic soar see with your 3rd eye feel within the depths of then and now and make each moment count.

Affecting Change With Positive Affirmations

Accepting change has always been a difficult task for most people, since they are reluctant of letting go of the comfort that they are used to. When you choose to affirm yourself positively, you can end up either in avoidance or in reappraisal. If you find yourself resisting change due to negative feelings or fear, it is because your subconscious mind is trying to avoid the challenge of dealing with the change. You can affect the way you perceive things by having positive affirmations that you have to repeat continuously and believe. This will create a conviction for you that will slowly fight off your resistance and finally; you will ease yourself into the change you feared.

Affirmations work by redirecting your thought frequencies and patterns hence replacing your negative beliefs with positive ones. You change the way you think and the way you feel about things, and you start to see tangible results of your positive affirmations. Affirmations will work for you if you are ready to leave the past behind and embrace a new way of doing things so that you can free yourself of the negativity that has been subconsciously subjected to you.

Whenever you are trying to tell yourself something, either by thought or by saying it out loud, you are affirming yourself of something. We are constantly affirming ourselves to do something, change something or achieve something. All our affirmations are a manifestation of our inner beliefs and truths. Most of the affirmations we have are acquired at a tender age, hence they are deeply rooted in our subconscious mind as we grow. Most of our responses to every situation are an automatic adaptation from the way we were raised. This is because our subconscious mind uses memories, feelings and everything that has been stored over a period of time since we encountered it.

The affirmations we have are a great impact on the way we perceive things and the world in general since they affect the way we react to everyday events. For us to survive, we have to adapt to the environment. Learn to react quickly towards the events that take place around us and be able to examine everything that is around us. Most of the affirmations we can be dated back to the foundation of our lives during our early ages. It could be beliefs that we learned from our parents and the environment from which we first understood the way things work. Therefore, some of us may have negative affirmations acquired from the environment, their parents or their experiences. However, you can acquire positive affirmations through subliminal messages that are manifested in the subconscious mind without the knowledge of the conscious mind.

Positive affirmations are used by the conscious mind to change any negative attitude that we might have grown up with in our subconscious mind. They are usually in the form of positive statements that you have to keep repeating and believing so that they can replace the negative attitude that you are trying to get rid of. Positive affirmations have been reported to work very well in helping people to get over their fears, achieve many goals, change one's focus towards a positive future, accept change, and many other positive outcomes.

What You Want in Life Must Rule Your Mind - How to Use Affirmations

"Whatever mind can perceive, body can achieve." this is what the famous author Napolean Hill said in his all-time hot selling book 'Think and Grow Rich'. It is a well-known fact that some people remain what they are however hard they try to achieve their set goals. There are several factors that influence this. One main factor is that they don't believe that they can achieve their goals. They may say like this, "I have a clear goal in my mind." I can achieve it." But from the back of their mind comes the suggestion, "You can't!"

Why does this happen? Let's understand it.

We should know that there are two main parts in our mind--- Conscious and Sub-conscious. It is the subconscious mind that influences our thinking. Our thinking pattern may be positive or negative. The subconscious mind controls our thinking and actions basing on our past experiences. It does not know whether what we say is true or false. If we keep repeating something, it registers it as a fact and acts accordingly. That i how we develop a positive or a negative attitude.

Ok. We have understood how the subconscious mind takes in whatever we say, do or think and manifests it through our body. Now, let us understand how to influence it to change our thinking pattern. The key to achieving this is---Affirmations!

Has it ever happened to you that you came up with an innovative idea and most of your friends or colleagues said it would not work? If so, their negative remarks worked as affirmations. Affirmations are the suggestions given to your mind by you or others.

How to use Affirmations?


This is the most important thing. Just think of what you want to get. it might be anything like getting a good job, getting good grades, etc.


It sounds ridiculous but it is very effective. Take a card (A visiting card size will do) and write neatly 'Your affirmations, as,:

"I will finish my graduation this year."

"I will get a good job this year."

"I am very positive and I get positive ideas."

But never write affirmations like this:

"I think I can achieve my goal."

"I may finish my graduation this year."

They act as negative suggestions.


Yes, you should read the affirmations you prepared as many times as possible until it becomes a habit. You can take the card out of your pockets and read it in office, school or wherever you are. You can find that much time, can't you? And at home, you can read aloud. Most importantly, make sure you read the affirmations before you go to bed and before you get up from bed. Your subconscious mind is more active that time.


When you read an affirmation, you should use emotion. Only then will it be effective. An affirmation without emotion is like a house built without a base. While reading your affirmations, imagine that they have come true and enjoy the feeling of winning.

That's it! If you follow these things carefully, you will be able to achieve whatever you want. Imagine the best.

Hope this article helps you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Empowerment Dreams

The desire of a perfect world, built on love and respect for everyone and everything seems to be just an illusion. In reality, it may not ever be perfect, but the love and respect ingredients, vital portions, necessary in the making of a better world, have gradually increased. The world can seem bleak, but if you observe the picture looking from inside, instead of with your eyes, you will see a beautiful world that has always been here. For reasons we cannot explain our vision can be blurred. If we truly observe the world by looking at it from what is from inside us, it raises the conscious mind and we instinctively follow our heart. I know this sounds simply beautiful and when we apply this principle, it is.

There will be times when it will feel as if you are drowning, but just refocus and hang on. It's a matter of pulling yourself up, taking a deep breath and treading for awhile. Once you refocus you will be able to continue. Excellence as a person is built from repeating good character, good values and moral ethics over and over. Once you begin to tread you will gain insight to your situation. This information is vital and if used correctly, you will be able to continue your journey to empowerment. After a while you will gain your stroke and gain the ability to swim and maneuver through the pitfalls and roadblocks.

There is an inspiring quote, "I am who I choose to be. I always have been what I chose -- though not always what I pleased." Understand what you want, develop a plan to get what you want, implement the plan and let nothing or no one keep you from achieving it. You will make mistakes along the way, but the key is you are on your way. This process may involve you rethinking everything you thought was relevant to your success. The process of eliminating waste and maximizing effort is part of the process of lean management. If you adopt the theory of eliminating any wasteful behavior or habits, you allow processes that contribute to your success, room to expand.

No one who continues to add love, intellect, understanding and respect for everyone and everything, is left to long without the proper reward. Faith has always interceded and rewarded those efforts, sometimes in measures that are not comprehensible by sight or sound. Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. But because it shines, it gives life. When allow ourselves to shine we give others a chance to live in the light of empowerment. By doing what we set out to do, we become who we are.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Four Seasons of Life, The Four Seasons of Love

Often times in conversations with friends or clients, I have used the analogy of the four seasons to assimilate the happenings of daily life and relationship challenges that happened in my as well as their lives. It is a positive thinking exercise and a very effective tool that can help one handle upsetting situations cleverly and realistically.

Life is not about what 'we' want it to be. Life is a free-flowing force that is so powerful, wise and miraculous. We can't simply belittle it just because we may not get the wisdom behind it sometimes. Things happen for a reason, and things eventually fall into their places. So why push, pull, precipitate, complain, and so on. Repeating such unproductive/ negative attitudes only serve as a poison we inject into our blood.

The Four Seasons of Life, The Four Seasons of Love Exercise:

This is a visualization technique that I use to help me - and my clients - see incidents for what they are, make life more manageable and overcome challenges with positivity.

Here is how it goes.

In the past, whenever I had a gloomy day at work, or with my family, I'd look at it as a grey and cold winter day, with strong winds sometimes. Similarly, whenever my partner and I entered a gloomy phase of mutual discomfort, due to some misunderstanding, in which I felt I had not caused in any way, or if the subject of argument to me was no big a deal - instead of cursing the day and firing out my rage right at him - mentally, I'd declare it a grey winter day. On such weather, I'd go back to my comfort zone, treat myself to a hot and comforting drink, and stay in till the sun came out. Meanwhile, I'd contemplate what happened, why, and how we can solve the problem. If I realized that the problem had been caused by me in any way, I'd start thinking of a solution or a way to make up for what I did. If the result of my reasoning was that it was something my partner did or said that upset me, or if it was a simple misunderstanding - which as silly as it sounds can lead to major and upsetting arguments- I'd wait until it is the appropriate time to address and discuss it calmly, find a solution for it and then makeup.

At all times, I'd try to stay away from that gloomy weather as much as I could, since rain and cold make us sick. Similarly, going back to a heated situation - especially when one is not yet ready- can only make it worse. Arguments can have toxic effects on both parties, and may eventually cause us to become ill, whether emotionally or physically. So, by exercising such way of positive thinking, I have learned to make the most of life's happenings, and instead of wasting a long time being upset and sad around a particular matter, I'd see it assertively as a winter phase, which will end sometime in the future, and the sun would come out again to shed on the world abundant positive feelings, like friendliness, empathy, gratitude, loyalty, happiness, etc.

Meanwhile, by visualizing that I was staying in, enjoying my treat, contemplating what had happened, I'd give myself and the other person (my sibling, partner, child, co-worker, etc.) a chance to calm down and reflect on what had happened. Instead of obsessing about it all day, I'd go about living my regular life in the most ordinary way. One bad thing, in my opinion, should not and does not deserve to spoil the other aspects of my life. Things fall into their places, when we handle them wisely. However, the least I can do in any heated situation is to mainly reflect on the part I had played in it. No one is perfect and certainly misunderstandings happen.

On the other hand, some challenges may be the product of a purposeful harmful act by others, and that too deserves contemplation, so we learn how to handle it. Yet, if we are going to allow ourselves to get dragged into an escalating negative emotional havoc, we then may not be capable of finding a solution for it. So at all times, stay away from negative energy and angry situations for a while, reflect then choose the right time (when the clouds clear out) to handle it.

The winter analogy can also be applied to one's disrupting their diet. We are all guilty of that one time or another. We love our bodies, yet sticking to a regime may be challenging sometimes. Treating a messed-up dieting day like a tough winter day, on which it was difficult to commit, helps free us from the blocking feelings of guilt and self-loathing. You may have needed the comfort of a hot chocolate, a chocolate bar, a creamy soup, etc. This is certainly not a sin. It is OK. Life will go on, and you can go back to your regime, when the sun comes out, and you feel energetic, determined and active.

Certainly, this technique wasn't there all my life. I have developed it through experience as a way of seeing problematic situations as "temporary" occurrences.

Living life as is, and not as 'it is supposed to be', may make it easier for us to accept its challenges, and rather rise above them with resilience. Unrealistic expectations, dreams, myths, gossip, etc. may never solve a problem, and most importantly, they may never become real. What we are left with then is illusion, and this is very lonely and cold place to be in.

What about the other seasons? They all work. This is how.

In fall, it is chilly yet it doesn't take our eyes much time to see the beauty behind that cool weather. Similarly, some misunderstandings between two friends, sisters, brothers, etc. can occur but it may not take them a while to realize that the beauty of their friendship is worth coming forth and resolving the problem at hand.

How about spring and summer?

Well, in spring, things start to green and brighten up. The skies clear up, and the trees start to blossom. Similarly, this is usually the phase where a friendship or a relationship start showing off its beauty, and reflecting that in enjoyable feelings, whose sweetness we savor at all times. Usually, this period of bliss leaves the best memories especially that they mark their contrast upon happening after a period of coldness, absence from your loved ones (at work, on a business trip, normal everyday business, etc.) or fights. When winter resolves, spring shines its happiness in our hearts, and warms the body with blood that is pumped in it with strong palpitations.

Summer is usually a hard-core fun time (a trip somewhere nice, a good phase of achievement at work, some cool gatherings, etc.) This is where we regain our balance and renew our energy, or refill some trying to save for upcoming winter times. These happy deposits forge their memories into our hearts, souls and brains, and they are the ones that help us give the other person benefit of the doubt, when negative/unhappy occurrences happen.

There's so much beauty in the world for the eyes to behold. It's just a matter of observing it or not.

No one is perfect, not us nor them. So why assume that in the first place? This is only bound to hurt us more than them.

Hope this technique helps you like it has helped me. Allow your soul to embrace the beauty of other souls and things around you.

Copyright 2012 Wisdom Within Consultancy. All Rights Reserved for Wisdom Within Consultancy, Wisdom Within Coaching.

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