"Whatever mind can perceive, body can achieve." this is what the famous author Napolean Hill said in his all-time hot selling book 'Think and Grow Rich'. It is a well-known fact that some people remain what they are however hard they try to achieve their set goals. There are several factors that influence this. One main factor is that they don't believe that they can achieve their goals. They may say like this, "I have a clear goal in my mind." I can achieve it." But from the back of their mind comes the suggestion, "You can't!"
Why does this happen? Let's understand it.
We should know that there are two main parts in our mind--- Conscious and Sub-conscious. It is the subconscious mind that influences our thinking. Our thinking pattern may be positive or negative. The subconscious mind controls our thinking and actions basing on our past experiences. It does not know whether what we say is true or false. If we keep repeating something, it registers it as a fact and acts accordingly. That i how we develop a positive or a negative attitude.
Ok. We have understood how the subconscious mind takes in whatever we say, do or think and manifests it through our body. Now, let us understand how to influence it to change our thinking pattern. The key to achieving this is---Affirmations!
Has it ever happened to you that you came up with an innovative idea and most of your friends or colleagues said it would not work? If so, their negative remarks worked as affirmations. Affirmations are the suggestions given to your mind by you or others.
How to use Affirmations?
This is the most important thing. Just think of what you want to get. it might be anything like getting a good job, getting good grades, etc.
It sounds ridiculous but it is very effective. Take a card (A visiting card size will do) and write neatly 'Your affirmations, as,:
"I will finish my graduation this year."
"I will get a good job this year."
"I am very positive and I get positive ideas."
But never write affirmations like this:
"I think I can achieve my goal."
"I may finish my graduation this year."
They act as negative suggestions.
Yes, you should read the affirmations you prepared as many times as possible until it becomes a habit. You can take the card out of your pockets and read it in office, school or wherever you are. You can find that much time, can't you? And at home, you can read aloud. Most importantly, make sure you read the affirmations before you go to bed and before you get up from bed. Your subconscious mind is more active that time.
When you read an affirmation, you should use emotion. Only then will it be effective. An affirmation without emotion is like a house built without a base. While reading your affirmations, imagine that they have come true and enjoy the feeling of winning.
That's it! If you follow these things carefully, you will be able to achieve whatever you want. Imagine the best.
Hope this article helps you.
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