Feed Your Brain!
Unfortunately, our brains are filled with clutter and negativity which is the reason why we continue to think the way we do. Your subconscious has a big influence in how you think.You must replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. By feeding your brain these positive affirmations you are triggering the subconscious mind into positive action.
For your affirmations to truly work, you must say them daily and on a consistent basis. There isn't a set number of times that you should recite your affirmations, because we're all different. I usually recite mine three or four times a day for five minutes at a time. I recite mine when I wake up in the morning, when I arrive to work, during lunchtime, and before I go to sleep at night. You can recite them whenever you want, but I would get in the habit of practicing them throughout the day on at least three different occasions.
When To State Your Affirmations
It's best to state your affirmations when you wake up in the morning. Your brain is very receptive when you wake up and it's a good way to start off your day by conditioning your brain to be in a positive mindset. It's also recommended to state your affirmations before you go to bed so they are fresh in your head before you retire for the night.
Believe In What You're Saying
Simply reciting your affirmation statements isn't good enough. If you don't believe in what you're saying 100% then your affirmation statements will be ineffective. If you go about this half heartedly, this will not work. When I first started saying my affirmations a couple of years ago, I wasn't fully committed. I would say them but not really believe in all of them. I stopped reciting my statements because I didn't feel like they were working for me. After a hiatus, I decided to give it a try again but this time I made it a point to believe in my affirmations before I recited them.
Examples Of Positive Affirmations
My life is a joy and full of complete surprises
When I believe in myself so do others
I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself
I am a great listener and communicator
My work is enjoyable and I feel appreciated
I am a self-starter and fully accountable
I'm free to be me, and I will be the best me that I can be
Wealth is pouring into my life
I am a wonderful person and I deserve the best
I am in complete control of my life and destiny
Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day!" This concept will take time, but you will see a difference if you truly believe in what you're saying and practice repetition!
This article is sponsored by medical case study.
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