Friday, July 13, 2012

Affirmations - The Secret To A Happier Life

Feed Your Brain!

Unfortunately, our brains are filled with clutter and negativity which is the reason why we continue to think the way we do. Your subconscious has a big influence in how you think.You must replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. By feeding your brain these positive affirmations you are triggering the subconscious mind into positive action.


For your affirmations to truly work, you must say them daily and on a consistent basis. There isn't a set number of times that you should recite your affirmations, because we're all different. I usually recite mine three or four times a day for five minutes at a time. I recite mine when I wake up in the morning, when I arrive to work, during lunchtime, and before I go to sleep at night. You can recite them whenever you want, but I would get in the habit of practicing them throughout the day on at least three different occasions.

When To State Your Affirmations

It's best to state your affirmations when you wake up in the morning. Your brain is very receptive when you wake up and it's a good way to start off your day by conditioning your brain to be in a positive mindset. It's also recommended to state your affirmations before you go to bed so they are fresh in your head before you retire for the night.

Believe In What You're Saying

Simply reciting your affirmation statements isn't good enough. If you don't believe in what you're saying 100% then your affirmation statements will be ineffective. If you go about this half heartedly, this will not work. When I first started saying my affirmations a couple of years ago, I wasn't fully committed. I would say them but not really believe in all of them. I stopped reciting my statements because I didn't feel like they were working for me. After a hiatus, I decided to give it a try again but this time I made it a point to believe in my affirmations before I recited them.

Examples Of Positive Affirmations

My life is a joy and full of complete surprises
When I believe in myself so do others
I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself
I am a great listener and communicator
My work is enjoyable and I feel appreciated
I am a self-starter and fully accountable
I'm free to be me, and I will be the best me that I can be
Wealth is pouring into my life
I am a wonderful person and I deserve the best
I am in complete control of my life and destiny

Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day!" This concept will take time, but you will see a difference if you truly believe in what you're saying and practice repetition!

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Flaw in How We Pray or Affirm

One thing we need to be clear about either praying or affirming is that they don't, as such, affect or influence the Creator or the Universe; they ARE meant to affect or influence US, starting with how we think (there's more to this, in the following paragraphs). Provision of some result is always ours. And, if we believe in measuring more for ourselves, or less, that is responded to accordingly.

There's a phrase in the bible: "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you," which is the premise of the Law of Attraction. Many of us have been taught to pray or affirm in particular ways, which led us to believe that if we just craft our words a certain way, that makes the difference. No. Although word-crafting is important, relying on it solely makes it too easy to bypass the fact that the Universal Principle we call Law of Attraction is in effect. And this Principle or Law responds to "As ye believe," not "As ye speak but don't believe." When a prayer or affirmation is fulfilled, it isn't because we were convincing with our words, it's because we aligned with, moved into, right relationship with how the Principle works, in alignment with The Bigger Picture.

The reminder that every thought is a prayer or affirmation came to me as the answer to my request to know what it was that I needed to learn... let me repeat that... that I needed to learn... about myself as it related to a situation I found difficult. There are circumstances that can feel difficult, but what often makes them more difficult is how we relate to them.

Understandably, we want a difficult circumstance to go away; the sooner the better. And we don't really wish to look at the part we play in that dynamic. For me, I needed the reminder that the words we hear and believe the most are the ones we tell ourselves. And whether 100% true or not, we believe them; and then they become part of our story. Then we repeat our story to ourselves, and others. If our repetitions are supportive or constructive, there's no problem. If they're not supportive or are destructive, I call this "playing the broken record."

For those of you too young to know about vinyl records played on a turntable, if there was a snag in the vinyl, the needle got stuck and you'd hear the same brief segment of music or lyrics played over and over and over, until you lifted the needle. Sometimes our mental-emotional needles get stuck in the same way, and we find ourselves dealing with a case of "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you" about the same matter or issue for years. How can any of us expect different results if our needle is stuck playing the same emotionally-charged thoughts about something over and over? We DISDAIN, when we could ORDAIN differently.

I realized my needle has been stuck about one particular matter for a long time. So, I know it's going to take deliberation and a deliberate change in thinking for me to move the needle so I hear the song or symphony that's on the other side of the bump... or I should say rut. If I truly desire this, how I think about this matter has to change FIRST. I must commit to the song, not the snag. I also must not expect myself, after years of playing this broken record, to be transformed instantly. I'm not saying that can't happen, but I don't want to add self-judgmental expectation into the mix. I just want to move forward.

I'm going to share how the first several hours of this new practice went for me. You may be able to relate to the first part: I caught myself repeating the old story in my head. I stopped. A few minutes later (maybe it was seconds later) I caught myself doing it again. Crikey! After the fifth time, I realized...

1. It's a long-practiced habit; it's going to take more than just a decision for that "pendulum" to swing to the other side.

2. I realized I didn't have the absolute solution or resolution yet. I didn't know when that would happen, or if it would happen all at once or in parts over time. But, I wanted to Do Something Constructive Now.

3. I decided to say "Broken record" each time I caught myself playing this particular one, or any one, and then picture a perfect, peaceful lotus blossom on still water.

4. I knew I was going to be face-to-face with this particular challenge later that day, which was the trigger for the replay moments. Broken record... peaceful lotus.

5. Once in that face-to-face place, despite all my prep work, I noticed I had an attitude. Whoa! That led me to realize something I already know: that negative anticipation influences me in a way I don't like, and that if I experience the same type of challenge repeatedly, there's one thing consistently present: Me!

6. I mulled over the idea that even if I wasn't the originator of the challenge, I've been engaged in keeping it alive. Broken record... peaceful lotus. (So you know, this inner attention resulted in a harmonious experience.)

Will lifting this "needle" eliminate the challenge completely from my life? I don't know... it might; it depends on what I need to learn about myself through this. But that outer change is not the one that's more significant; my inner change is. If I keep that foremost in mind, I'll stay on track better and I'll experience this process (and my progress) differently than if I focus solely on what my ego wishes would happen (everything and everyone involved, BUT ME, changes). I have enough experiences I can recall to mind that prove that when I get into right relationship with the Principle, things shift, but especially, I shift. That's really what every dynamic in my life (and yours) is ultimately about, anyway.

How can we hear or sing our desired NOW and therefore our desired future if all we listen to or play are broken records? In the case of "broken record, peaceful lotus," each is a prayer and affirmation of what we believe and is what is, or can be, reflected in our life. Please keep in mind that there's a huge difference between contemplating an old story in order to see it in a new light or to glean something from it to help us improve or release it, and in repetition out of anger or sadness or frustration, which makes us angrier or sadder or more frustrated.

We are to also pay attention to what Ernest Holmes calls the Mental Equivalent: Our perspective about anything outside us comes from within; and, we get back what we send out. This applies to the perspective we hold about ourselves, others, and life. This means the range of our possible or potential manifestations cannot exceed the mental equivalents of our beliefs. To expand results, we have to expand what we believe. We cannot pray or affirm for improvement AND play a broken record about it. That's like always turning left at the corner and being miserable or complaining because we never leave the block. To experience something else requires US to change our path, even a bit.

Holmes wrote, "To desert the Truth in the hour of need is to prove that we do not know the Truth." He actually wrote this in all capital letters to demonstrate its significance. So, you can say that the flaw in how we pray or affirm stems from lack of proper relationship (alignment) with the Law of Attraction Principle, which stems from not understanding the Truth of the Principle as we might. Every challenge, and blessing, is an opportunity to explore and integrate more of this aligned relationship and the Truth that "As ye believe, it shall be done unto you," and put these into practice.

Practice makes progress.

© Joyce Shafer

You are welcome to use this article in your newsletter or on your blog/website as long as you use my complete bio with it.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Finding The Real Transformation Stone Of The Philosopher

The power to change reality is within us, not outside of us. That does mean that we are the key to changing and shaping our own realities through our actions, including the spiritual action of thought. Getting ourselves across the river of conditions takes a start like the spiritual action of thought, and ends in realization through the natural cycle of actions. Indeed, fulfillment starts with a thought, and ends with the actual fulfillment, and that is real at any level we follow through at.

To get what we want, it does not take a wish, it takes a consciousness that is tenacious enough to follow through on what is wanted. Simple enough, sure. But, first we must figure out what we want that much to fully follow through like that on. Without a genuine desire, we can go nowhere and do nothing but wish.

So, when I think of the stone of the philosopher, I do think beyond, yet deeply into physical lead and gold. I think of leading to the goal we genuinely want at our deepest levels, and ultimately turning the ultimate physical lead into gold in reality through the power of genuine desire combined with persistent action. Think about that fact for a moment, and think about it deeply. Yes, we do get what we want. Yes, we do get what we work towards. But combine that work and desire with something genuinely desired by our consciousness as an inner and outer condition. That is power. I do not care how many temporary losses happen before the great wins. If we really want it, we can genuinely get it. With some of the greatest ideas, works, and inventions in history coming forth this way, this is not a silly idea. This is the most serious idea you can live with and use if you choose to. For the impossible ultimately becomes possible through full understanding, application, and always growth past that impossible concept when it becomes the normal.

Each step up is our "gold", each step we left behind is our "lead" we turned into the "gold" of our step up. Growth can happen forever. The ultimate stagnation is fear and the "impossible". Anything a consciousness can believe in and work on is possible ultimately through natural applicable laws of all reality. I do not just mean physical or mental, I mean the whole of reality at all levels.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How Do I Use Positive Affirmations?

Many people are curious about positive affirmations. How do you use them properly? What can they accomplish? Here are some quick tips to using positive affirmations...

1. Structure-the wording in your affirmation should always be present tense. Affirmations should be spoken as if the statement is happening right now. If you are speaking affirmations, you should use "I am... " or "me" in your statements. If you are reading the affirmations, you should use "You are... " in the statements. If someone else is speaking affirmations to you, or you are listening to an affirmation cd, the statements should also be in "You are... " form. When you create or use an affirmation, there should be a feeling or emotion within you when you are saying it, reading it, or meditating on it. Part of the way affirmations work is through the feelings you feel on a regular basis. An easy way to attach a feeling to an affirmation can be to add: I give thanks now that... or you feel grateful now that...

2. Repetition- Positive affirmations work best when spoken often. I've found through years of experience and research on affirmations that choosing one or two affirmations to work on at a time is best, otherwise you'll likely get scattered results. Try to remember to say out loud or meditate on your affirmation as you are waking up in the morning and as you are falling asleep at night. Another couple of ways to reinforce your affirmations are to write one or two of them on index cards and keep that on your nightstand... read the affirmations right before you go to bed, and right before you get up in the morning. I also recommend using your computer wallpaper to create an affirmation that you'll see when you use your computer. Also your cell phone probably has a way for you to write a banner, which you can read every time you are about to call or text someone. Listening to an affirmation cd, or saying affirmations to yourself as you are driving is another great idea.

3. Timeframe- I have found myself expecting to see big results within a day or two of saying affirmations and often, I do see quick results. For some affirmations, there is a longer timeframe because my mind has been conditioned for so long to believe the current reality, so when I say the opposite, it may take a few months or even several months to see big results. I always see results with affirmations, it's really a matter of being persistent.

I wish you abundance and joy.

Friday, June 15, 2012

What Are Affirmations and How Do You Use Them?

What are affirmations? Affirmations are simply positive words that will greatly improve your life. They are a declaration of what you want, how you want to feel, act, or be. An example of an affirmation is "I love and accept myself." Using affirmations is a powerful tool to help you create a life you love.

Affirmations can change negative beliefs that have been engrained in your subconscious all your life. Even if you don't believe what you are stating, your subconscious hears it and will make it so. Eventually it will "kick in," and your belief will be changed.

Affirmations changed my life. About six months of using affirmations regularly I decided I wanted to move to Southern California to live by the ocean. I was living in Utah at the time and had lived there my entire life. I was a single parent, and I had taken my son to San Diego in California where we fell in love with the ocean and wanted the beach life. I wanted to move there but I had no idea how this could ever happen.

I was the sole provider for my son and myself, I had limited income, I knew no one there, and it sort of seemed like a pipe dream. But I started doing affirmations such as "I love living by the ocean", "It is so exciting to live in Southern California", "I love my life living by the beautiful ocean". I also started playing ocean wave sounds each night when I was going to sleep and would visualize living by the ocean.

I was working at a hotel in Utah and mentioned to my boss how I really wanted to move to California. What unfolded was amazing. His father was investing in a company in Southern California about sixty miles north of San Diego, in a beautiful beach town. He needed someone with my skills to handle the accounting. I flew out, fell in love with the town, and moved my son and I a few weeks later! It felt like a dream. I couldn't believe it was happening.

Many people thought I was crazy for taking a chance like that, and moving my son and me when I didn't know anyone out there. I never regretted it and I still remember how powerful I felt that I made one of my dreams come true. I know affirmations and the power of positive thought made this possible.

Below is a list to help you make sure you use affirmations effectively.

  1. Make a list of items you want to work on with affirmations such as increasing your financial abundance, improving your health, increasing your, self-confidence, etc.

  2. Write your affirmation in the positive, present tense. For example, if you want to have more energy because you feel tired all the time, don't say, "I am no longer tired." Instead, say, "I have all the energy I need to do anything I want." This way it is positive, and you are assuming it happens now - not some time in the future.

  3. Use affirmations regularly. I try to do some every day. If you are struggling with a particular issue, try repeating many times a day. A trick I do sometimes is to remember to say affirmations every time I use the restroom. You may be laughing but it is a great time to remember to do them, especially in the middle of your busy day. It is like a little "positive mental break" from your regular day.

  4. If you find yourself saying something negative, immediately counteract it with an affirmation. For example, if you make a mistake and say to yourself, "Why am I always making mistakes?" counteract it by following up with "I am smart. I make good decisions and have a sharp mind."

  5. There are many good books to get affirmations examples from. You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay is a great starting point.

  6. Make yourself a book of affirmations. I created what I call my PowerBook to keep my affirmations in. It is a journal of all the affirmations I have created or read on various subjects such as health, abundance, relationships, and more. The PowerBook also has pictures of things I want in my life such as vacations, a new home, etc. It works like a vision board to keep me focused on what I want.

  7. Try visualizing what you want as you are stating your affirmation. The combination of stating verbally while visualizing will increase the power of affirmations.

Don't worry if you don't actually believe what you are saying at first. It will happen. When I first started using the affirmation "I love and accept myself," I would start crying. I was so hard on myself that I didn't see how I could possible really love and accept myself. I was 350 pounds and felt so unlovable. But I kept saying affirmations. One day I could say them without crying, and later on I actually believed them.

Affirmations work. If you don't already know their power, start today. They can help you create the life you want and deserve.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How the Solar and Lunar Eclipses Affect You

'We are in a remarkable global pattern for the next few years that can affect all of us.' This is what some of the finest astrologers in the world are saying. Now, the ability to stay grounded is a must to remaining balanced.

A Solar Eclipse occurred at 7:47pm on Sunday May 20th 2012 and the Lunar Eclipse just occurred on June 4th. The full moon has triggered an aspect telling us to pay attention to what is right under our noses. It is time to look at mental patterns that no longer work.

Pay attention to your habitual thinking and what you create as the bi-product of those thoughts.

Change the way you think about a condition and watch as the situation changes. It's as simple as that!

What you are saying to yourself can change a habit and it creates the space for something new to happen. It's your Self-Talk - which is that conversation that goes on inside your head, the running commentary about everything you do. It never lets anything go by without some comment, remark or evaluation.

Once you become aware of this process you can change yourself into the positive, successful, powerful person you want to be. If your Self-Talk is not under control, lookout! The automatic reactions you have to this constant chatter of judgments and evaluations can keep you feeling stressed and less able to meet your goals and challenges of life.

Mind chatter like, "I'm not smart enough, good enough, something is wrong with me, I can't do it, I never finish anything, and this is too hard" can rule you if you don't take charge. You may have initially formed these negative ideas about yourself from things you heard from a parent, teacher or someone who has/had influence over you. You definitely don't need those people to tell you what to do anymore, even if it's just in your head.

These thoughts surface when you are faced with doing something that is counter-productive to what your mind thinks you can do. We may still crave things that are no longer fulfilling. But now it's essential to move in a new direction. It is time to let go of the old mental chatters and learn something new.

The past is the past - it is time for a healing and release!

We need to communicate what is important to us. "Put your money where your mouth is", "The proof is in the pudding" or "There is no free lunch" may be the mantra for this period.

Start to look at things from outside of the box, think differently and get on a healthy program. Learning new things is the big key to the situation. It is time to listen, learn, practice and ground your energy. Get the Recharging Qi Gong program and the Flying Crane Qi Gong program and practice daily.

These will give you the rooting and the grounding techniques needed to keep you balanced mentally, physically and spiritually. Visit my website, and let's change your situation together.

I wish you the best in your Health,

Wealth and Happiness.

This news article is brought to you by HOME-BASED-BUSINESS - where latest news are our top priority.

You Are Who You Associate With - Surround Yourself With Hope

Have you ever noticed the tendency to think and act like the people around you? If you really stop and think about your friends and the people within your sphere of influence, I bet you can see a lot of similarities amongst the members of that circle. It's hard to say whether we seek out and befriend people who are similar to us, or if we gradually become like our friends the more time we spend with them. Either way, this tendency can make life interesting if and when we decide it's time to make a change. The thing is, change is hard enough as it is, but if it means breaking away from the mold and going against the grain of our friends, change becomes virtually impossible. In order to live a positive, hope-filled life you must surround yourself with positive, hope-filled people.

Wean Yourself Away From Negative Energy

Misery loves company. People who are unhappy want to see other people unhappy. Seeing other people in the same boat as them makes unhappy people feel better about their own situation. The moment they start to see a ray of positive light escape from another person, they'll try to find a way to snuff it out.

When you are grieving, it's easy to lose hope. What is there to be hopeful about when you've just lost someone very important to you? The answer? Plenty. There's still so much to be hopeful about in life, but you have to make a conscious effort to be hopeful and positive. That means distancing yourself from people who don't agree with you. I'm not saying that you need to shut those people out of your life entirely, but be conscious of the time you spend with them and keep those people at arms length so as not to let their negative energy rub off on you as you try to change your attitude and find hope again.

Surround Yourself With Hope-Filled People

Success breeds success. If you want to be successful in finding hope and living a happy life, surround yourself with other happy, positive people. It's easy to spot a positive person. She's the one who always has a smile on her face or the guy who always sees the glass as half full. Positive people love seeing those around them flourish. While it pains negative people to pass out compliments, a positive person will see your success and make it a point to congratulate you for it, sincerely and genuinely. On those days when you're feeling down and hope seems out of reach, your positive support group will find a way to pick you up.

Never discount the power of a positive support group as you strive to find hope in life again. As you find more and more positive people to fill your sphere of influence, distance yourself from those negative influencers from your past.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.